This Italian made bag is the absolute top of the line in fit and quality. The dark brown color is dedicated only to the closure leather bands and to the circular leather base where our official logo plate is placed on. The rest of the bag is entirely black leather colored except for the double stitching adopted to create a pure aesthetic continuity with the dark brown details.
The leather used to make it follows the trend of the quality. The bag in fact is fully made with 3.5mm leather thickness and all the finishing metal stuffs are handmade
The bag's back is very strong. It is composed by three layers (the internal and external leather parts) and between them We have the third one made of propylene 1.5 mm thickness. The result is very important because it ensures the maximum hardness in supporting the holing phase during the assembling process on the motorcycles.
Dimensions: 17” x 15.5” x 7” (43,5 x 39 x 18 cm) Weight: 6.25 lbs (2,8 Kg) BAG ONLY
This bag is intended to be a single left side mounted storage solution. It includes a SUPER STURDY left side mounting bracket. If you want left and right side bags and mounts, we can certainly have those special ordered.